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Pamukkale mah. Atatürk cad.

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+90 544 835 83 51

Why should you get in touch with us?

While exploring Aphrodisias, travelers can rediscover their admiration for the region’s history as they uncover ancient temples, the stadium, and various sculptures. This unique archaeological site offers an unforgettable journey with its architectural richness, historical remnants, and ancient atmosphere. Touring Aphrodisias with a guide can make your visit more meaningful and informative. If you wonder why you should explore Aphrodisias with a guide:

History and Knowledge

Detailed Explanations

Answers to Your Questions

Local Stories

Hidden Tips

Touring Aphrodisias with a guide allows you to not only see but also understand and feel the historical and cultural significance of the site.

Discover Aphrodisias with us.

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